Creating Connection 101
New to Creating Connection?
Get started with the key findings from our formative research and then explore what those findings might mean for the way in which you create messages, programs, and outreach strategies that align with what audiences care about most.
Dig in to the data
Explore the primary findings from our research and how we got there. Wondering why we asked these questions? Check out more info on how Creating Connection is creating a movement to shift social norms around arts, culture, and creativity.
Still curious about what we studied and what we learned?
We get it. We’re kinda data nerds ourselves.
Download the full Creating Connection research report for all the details on our theory of change, the findings from qualitative and quantitative research, and excerpts from our focus groups.
Images: Banner and Audiences courtesy of Hyde Square Task Force; Connection by Amanda L. Smith courtesy of Eugene Symphony Association; Creative Expression and Barriers courtesy of San Jose Museum of Art; Benefits courtesy of City Lights Theater.